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  主题:[视域:北京] 当代艺术展
作者: 老武1989(laowu1989)
发表于:2006/08/16 11:29:53
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[视域:北京] 当代艺术展

高氏兄弟, 中国 / Marcel Hager, 德国 / Stephan
Hausmeister, 德国 , 英国

开幕行为表演:黑月 ( 季胜利 )


Alessandro Belgiojoso ( 意大利) / Alison Dalwood (
英国) / David A. Parker ( 美国 ) Elisabeth Smolarz (
德国) / Escorza Enrique ( 西班牙) / Etienne Boulanger
( 法国 ) / Giacomo Rambaldi ( 意大利) / Helen Marshall
( 英国 ) / Jenny Kao ( 台湾) / Jens Heise ( 德国 ) /
Malcolm Ferris ( 英国) / Michael Wright ( 英国 ) /
Paul Dacey ( 美国) / Sam Jury ( 英国 ) / Simon Hyde (
英国) / 权娟贞 ( 韩国) 等 ( 以下为中国大陆艺术家)
白丁 / 苍鑫 / 戴光郁 / 邓华 / 付锐 / 高曰文 / 耿雪
/ 韩涛 / 韩冰 / 黄锐 / 黄岩 / 胡敏 / 蒋鹏奕 /
季胜利 / 靳勒 / 焦应奇 / 老六 /李小妮 / 梁越 / 刘飞
/ 刘勃麟 / 刘新华 / 鲁飞飞 / 马晗 / 缪晓春 /
潘星磊 / 庆庆 / 盛奇 / 石梓 / 孙磊 / 吴高忠 /
吴伟强 / 武文建 / 王德仁 / 王国锋 / 王篷 / 王阿庆
/ 徐勇 / 也夫 / 余极 / 张大力 / 张念 / 等

研讨会 / 艺术家谈话: 2006 年9 月15 日星期六15: 00
— 18:00

开幕酒会:2006 年 9 月16 日星期六15 : 00 – 19 : 00

展览日期: 2006 年 9 月9 日—28 日

地址:北京市酒仙桥路4 号798 工厂大山子艺术区


通信 / 邮编:北京8503 信箱 100015

电话 / 传真: 86 -10 - 84566660

电邮: bjartprojects@yahoo.com.cn



"新媒体学会"(法兰克福/ 德国)



a - n The Artist Information Company, 英国 / Artists
Printing, 英国 / University of

Hertfordshire, 英国 / Goethe - Institute 北京 /
Greenwood Global Media Corp, 美国


Gao Brothers , China / Marcel Hager, Germany /
Stephan Hausmeister, Germany, UK

Opening Performance: Hei Yue ( Ji Shengli)


Alessandro Belgiojoso (Italy) / Alison Dalwood (UK) /
David A.Parker (USA) / Elisabeth Smolarz (Germany) /
Escorza Enrique (Spain) / Etienne Boulanger (France) /
Giacomo Rambaldi (Italy) / Helen Marshall (UK) / Jenny
Kao (Taiwan) / Jens Heise (Germany) / Malcolm Ferris
(UK) / Michael Wright (UK) / Paul Dacey (USA) / Sam
Jury (UK) / Simon Hyde (UK) / Quan Juan Zhen (Korea)

The Chinese Artists: Bai Ding / Cang Xin / Dai Guang
Yu / Deng Hua /Fu Rui / Gao Yue Wen / Geng Xue / Han
Tao / Huang Rui / Huang Yan / Hu Min / Ji Sheng Li /
Jiao Ying Qi / Jin Le / Li Xiao Ni / Jin Le / Lao Liu
/ Liang Yue / Liu Fei / Liu Bo Lin / Liu Xinhua /
Lu Fei Fei / Ma Han / Miao Xiao Chun / Pan Xin Lei /
Qing Qing / Sheng Qi / Shi Xin / Sun Lei / Wu Gao
Zhong /Wu Wen Jian / Wu Wei Qiang / Wang De Ren /
Wang Guo Feng / Wang Peng / Wang A Qing / Xu Yong / Yu
Ji / Zhang Da Li / Zhang Nian / etc.

Symposium / Artists Talks from 15:00 – 18:00 on
Friday, 15 September 2006

Opening Reception 15:00 – 19:00 on Saturday, 16
September 2006

Exhibition Dates: 9 – 28 September 2006

Address: Beijing New Art Projects

798 Art District, 4 Jiuxianqiao Road, Chaoyang
District, Beijing China

P.O.Box 8503 Beijing , 100015 China

Tel / Fax: 86 -10 - 84566660

E-mail : bjartprojects@yahoo.com.cn


A joint venture between Beijing New Art Projects /

the Institute for New Media, Frankfurt a.M. / Germany

and Digital Art Projects / UK

Supported by:

a – n The Artist Information Company, UK / Artists
Printing, UK / University of

Hertfordshire, UK / Goethe - Institute Beijing /
Greenwood Global Media Corp, USA

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  主题:Re:[视域:北京] 当代艺术展
作者: newsgirls(newsgirls)
发表于:2006/09/13 02:00:05
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【: 回复 老武1989 的文章 :】

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  主题:Re:[视域:北京] 当代艺术展
作者: newsgirls(newsgirls)
发表于:2006/09/13 01:59:55
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视域: 北京

高氏兄弟(中), Marcel Hager(英),Stephan Hausmeister(德)
研讨会主持: Malcolm Ferris,英国赫特福尔郡大学
研讨会: 2006 年9月 15日下午3 点 - 6点
开幕酒会: 2006年9 月16日 (星期六)下午3: 00
开放时间:上午 10:30 - 下午7: 00
开放日期: 2006年9 月16日 - 9月 28日
展览地点:北京新锐艺术计划(北京朝阳区酒仙桥路 4号798工厂大山子艺术区)
北京 8503信箱,邮编:100015
电话: 86-84566660
传真: 86-84566660
电子信箱: bjartprojects@yahoo.com.cn

(中国)爱宏 白丁 鲍昆 苍鑫 陈光谦 戴光郁 代桦 邓华 枫翎 付锐 高婴 高媛
高曰文 耿雪 巩唱 韩冰 韩涛 胡敏 华兵 黄锐 黄岩 胡敏 季胜利 蒋鹏奕
靳勒 老六 李加志 李路明 李天元 李铁军 李小妮 李永庚 梁越 凌海秋
刘勃麟 刘飞 刘晓燕 刘新华 鲁飞飞 马晗 缪晓春 潘星磊 卜云军 庆庆
任睫 盛奇 石梓 舒阳 孙磊 孙平 唐晖 铁心 王阿庆 王德仁 王国锋 王蓬
王晓琼 吴高钟 吴笙 吴伟强 武文建 席晓毅 夏建国 徐勇 杨家勇 也夫
一帆 余极 张大力 张念 张弓 等
(海外)Alessandro Belgiojoso,Alison Dalwood,Alisson Gothz,Anna-Marya Tompa,Annelies Senfter,Anni Morrad,Astrid Heinz,Barak Reiser,Beatrice Bolletta,Bertrand Perignon,Beth Porter,Brigitte Hoppstock,Brigitte Neufeldt,Bruce Hanks,Cassandra Schultz,Caterina Davinio,Celeste Brignac,Chiara Passa,Chris Gage,Cingarela,Collette Paterson,Dan Butler,David A. Parker,Dawn Jones,Dion Laurent,Elisabeth Smolarz,Elise Krenzel,Elisabeth Smolarz ,Elizabeth Castanon Montiel,Erika Oi,Escorza Enrique,Etienne Boulanger,Eung Ho Park,Evelin Stermitz,Fatih Balci,Franck Ancel,Fre Ilgen,Friederike Boissevain,Gali Timen,Geoff Budd,Giacomo Rambaldi,Giovanni Fontana,Gruppo Sinestetico,Hans B. Hack,Hans Bernhard,Hans-Peter Haering,Helen Marshall,Horst LinhART,Hwa Young Caruso,Ian McArthur,Ingrid van den Brand,Irene Christensen,J.A.Tong,Jakob Anderhandt,James C Ferrell,James K-M,Jany,Jennifer Caldwell,Jennifer Palmer,Jenny Kao,Jens Heise,Joan Miller,Jody Richardson,Joel Kahn,John Caruso Jr,John Mountain,Jorge Usan Martin,Josh Feldman,Julian Konczak,Justin Heim,Karen Harvey,Katy Martin,Kazuaki Tanahashi,Khaled Morad,Kim Peacock,Kisito Assangni,Kristen Watts,Kurt Talirz,Lee,Lisa Norton,Luc Fierens,Malcolm Ferris,Mark Bell,Mark Blackie,Mary Gaudin,Mary-Anne Morrison,Matthew Heaton,Michael Wright,Miriam Hanna Deller,Monica Sebestyen,Moon Na,Nancy Atakan,Nathalie Jaspar,Nigel Lloyd,
Olga Alexopoulou,Osvaldo Cibils,Patrizia Bonanzinga,Paul Dacey,Paul Sutfin,
Petra Goebel,Philip Wallace,Pierluigi Vecchi,Pure Dog,R.E.Sanchez,Robert Stanley,
Roi Vaara,Rosaline Ma,Ruth Mcdougall,Sabriye Relik,Sam Jury,Sandra Crisp,
Sarawut Chutiwongpeti,Serdar Pehlivan,Shiau-Peng Chen,Simon Hyde,Simon Marriott,
Sinasi Gunes,Stephanie Douet,Steve McGuire,Steve Rogers,Stone,Tim Painter,Tom Stallard,W-P Klein,Xiaoge,Zach Leyton,Zahra Bachoo, 权娟真(韩国) etc

简介 :
北京新锐艺术计划位于北京 798工厂艺术区,是"视域"世界性艺术项目在亚洲的第一站。"视域·北京"呈现了一个静态的画面,而这个画面是来自于对现代中国的不同视角认识的切面,包括现实的,也有想象的。这个以墙面为形式的装置是以对全世界范围内广泛征集的"画面组块"为元素,运用高技术和艺术感觉重新组合而成的产物。而这种通过互联网的征集中并没有任何限制级的设置。

"视域·北京"项目由中国策展人及艺术家高氏兄弟与现居英国的德国艺术家 Stephan Hausmeister用一年时间合作完成。和其他"视域"项目一样,"视域·北京"展示了一个特定时间段中一个特定地理区内本土特性和国际化的积极或者消极的相互作用。柏林、拜尔法斯特和曼谷已经对"视域"项目发出邀请。"视域"项目将对每一个地点的不同视角的现状进行一个独特立体的展示。


"视域·北京"装置工作室开放: 9月9 日——9 月14日

讨论会: 9月15 日,星期五, 下午3点
讨论会将包括中国艺术家采访录像、艺术家讲话以及之后的中西方艺术家策展人以及观众的开放讨论。这个讨论会是对现今快速发展的中国艺术产业的长期评论研究,也是对北京比如 798工厂这样的艺术区逐渐在国际领域受到广泛关注的现象的思考。通过各个层面各个角度观点的展示和比较,讨论会从艺术评论的角度分析了中国艺术本土化和西方化的关系,着重指出了在国际化的背景下,中国本土艺术评论的重要性。比较了在"中国艺术西方化"的问题上,中国本土观点和西方自己的观点;以及中国社会在国家体制层面以及资本主义交换价值层面的现状。

"视域·北京"展览开幕: 9月16 日,星期六,下午3 点


Stephan Hausmeister ,Marcel Hager, Gao Brothers,
Symposium host: Malcolm Ferris,University of Hertfordshire, UK
Symposium: September 15 from 15:00 - 18:00
Opening Reception:15:00 September 16. 2006
Dates: September 16, 2006 - September 28, 2006
Opening Hours: 10:30 - 19:00
Add: Beijing New Art Projects
No.4 Jiuxianqiao Road,the Factory 798 Dashanzi Art District, Beijing
P.O.Box 8503 Beijing 100015 China
Tel: 86-10-84566660
Fex: 86-10-84566660
E-mail: bjartprojects@yahoo.com.cn

Alison Dalwood - Cang Xin - Feifei Lu - Han Bing - Helen Marshall - Ji Shengli (Hei Yue) - Kazuaki Tanahashi - Lao Liu (Tian Yi Bin) - Liu Fei - Ma Han - Miao Xiaochun - Michael Wright - Paul Dacey - Sam Jury – QingQing - Ye Fu and another 160 artists from 23 different countries, submitting more than 900 images for the Beijing field. A first preview of all images submitted until August 15 is visible at www.field-of-vision.net/Beijing/Raw, images collected later than August 15 will be published by September14.

Beijing New Art Projects, situated in the fashionable 'Factory 798' Art District of Beijing, is the venue for the first Asian staging in the 'Field of Vision' global art project. 'Field of Vision: Beijing' presents a freeze-frame slice through the multiple perspectives of the many real and imagined contemporary Chinas. This immense wall-based installation is constructed from a skillfully edited assemblage of uncensored 'visual blogs' collected worldwide over the Internet following a highly successful call for submissions.'Field of Vision: Beijing' is the result of a year long collaboration between Chinese photography
and performance artists the Gao Brothers and German artist Stephan Hausmeister, currently based in the UK. The Beijing field, like all other geographical instants in this ongoing global series, reflects a unique local situation at a fixed point in time, including its relationships to global issues and perceptions, both positive and dissonant. Invitations to produce further 'Fields' at key locations in Berlin, Sofia, Belfast and Bangkok have been received, with each planned as a new and unique unfolding in the map of contemporary perceptions, both global and local, that chart our steps into this uncertain century. The final artwork resulting from the 'Field of Vision' gallery event appears as an on-line version on the ever expanding project website, where visitors can navigate across the entire surface of the work and zoom in on the selected focus points to explore in detail the vast field of diverse viewpoints. All images are identified by the name and country of the contributor, and many are accompanied by small personal statements that add to the depth and fascination of the artwork.

'Field of Vision: Beijing' opens at 15:00 on Saturday 16 September, This event celebrates the re-launch of the newly renovated Beijing New Art Project's gallery space.

Construction and installation of 'Field of Vision: Beijing' takes place as a live event from 9 - 14 September with gallery visitors welcome to view the emerging 'field'. Progress updates and live-audience reporting will appear on the project website throughout.

A symposium at 15:00 on Friday 15 September will include video interviews with Chinese artists, artist's talks, and an open discussion. These presentations are the result of an ongoing critical investigation into the current boom in Chinese artistic production, and in the position of Beijing specifically - including the rapid emergence of the 'Factory 798' Art District into the international limelight. Through a diversity of content and views the symposium will raise and challenge a number of critical perspectives on China and the West today, highlighting the need for critical debate supporting the 'internal' perceptions of Chinese cultural producers, alongside issues concerning 'Orientalism' and the internalization of Western views of self, Eastern 'Occidentalism', and state absolutism and the 'absolutism' of capitalist exchange-value.

For press enquiries and images please phone UK: +44 – (0)20 - 77193 5961 or + 44 – (0)1608 - 641070 or e-mail: stephan@digitalartprojects.net (contacts inside China above).


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